Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Politics and Accounting Standards Essay

Politics and Accounting Standards Introduction   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The growth of an enterprise is very important for both internal and external stakeholders. It can be expressed by showing the true and fair view of a company using the financial reports that shows the actual capital allocation of the enterprise. Therefore, financial accounting is very important and it enhances the success of the business. In this context, both the definition and the body that is involved in setting the standard are important in helping to understand clearly the meaning of financial accounting. Financial accounting is the process of preparing and establishing a report on the financial information of an enterprise (.Ball, Ray, 2006).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   It also shows the true and fair view of the financial statements which are cash flow statement, balance sheet and profit and loss statement. These statements are very essential for the enterprise stakeholders. Financial accounting takes into consideration the management of the business for example, its assets, liabilities and capital(Ball, Ray, 2006). Furthermore, it states its real capital and debts to enable the enterprise stakeholder evaluate the performance of the business. The true and fair view of financial accounting can be achieved by following the rules and policies that govern the people setting the rules.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The rules or rather the standards apply internationally to help ensure that the accounting standards used across the world are uniform (Armstrong, et al 2010). These are the professional regulatory bodies that are responsible for setting the standards for example the International Accounting Standards (IAS), and International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) among others. The board that is responsible for setting the standard is the Financial Accounting Standard Board (FASB) among other interested parties(Ball, Ray, 2006). FASB formulates a process that is followed so that it can be able to help in setting new accounting standards. First, the board has a duty to set up a committee that prepares an outline of the task at hand. Secondly, the committee board prepares the objectives for the board comments.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   After this, the board gives its view on the task outline and then passes it to the committee which in return prepares a discussion paper which entails the committee’s statement of the application proposal standards. Eventually, the committee also obtains views from interested parties and after their view is in the favor of the principle, they go ahead in drafting an exposure and the draft is then published as the IFRS(Ball, Ray, 2006).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   In order, for these standard to be effective and efficient, they are categorized into varies group therefore making it easy for the accounting. The IAS is classified into many classes for example,under the IAS 10, events that occur after the balance sheet date,should not be part of the balance sheet. Every company is required to prepare a balance sheet at the end of the year. Therefore, any entity trying to avoid or present a misleading financial statement is liable and the board provides the contents of the balance sheet. Under the IAS 19, which talks about retirement benefit costs, and the board takes into consideration the accounting of the benefits accruing from the retirement (Aboody, et a l 2004).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The board has a duty to see that no corruption is being practiced and therefore, companies are required to show the true and fair value in terms of the retirement costs. This prevents corruption of the prominent politicians. The IAS 17talks about accounting for leases. It is very important for a company to account for every lease taken since it is a liability. This is made possible because the board provides policies and procedures to be followed in disclosure of the account on lease. Lease is an expense for the company and if not accounted for can lead to false financial statements (Aboody, et a l, 2004).Furthermore, IAS 33talks about earnings per share,whereby all the companies are required to show their profit in terms of profit earned from share. The earning per share is used to the performance of the company which is based on the shares. It is also important for the shareholders.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Most company and influential parties do not support this standard and therefore it is criticized.IAS 39 is a financial standard which requires that accounting should have recognitionand measurement of assets as well as liabilities. It states that all the entities should take into account of all the assets, liabilities and equity of the business and no relevant material should be left out(Ball, Ray, 2006). The profit, loss and capital should be stated as they appear without any alterations. The IFRS is also divided into classes but in this context, the IFRS 13 is considered. This standard is concerned with the true and fair value of an entity (Armstrong, et al 2010). Itrequires all the entities to state real profit or loss incurred in their financial reports. However, accounting is not sparedfrom criticism and the board experience pressure for different organization that are not in agreement with the standard. Political pressure is one of t he areas whichexert pressure on the board. The standards of accounting requires the organizations or the enterprise to show the true and fair view of the performance of the business (.Ball, Ray,2006).Due to this, most business operating under a loss stand a chance to be wound up and there will be no investors interested in the business.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The political pressure that is experienced under the various accounting standards is in terms of legislations which they politicians enact. Some of the legislations contradict the accounting standards whereby businesses in a certain country are required to follow certain regulations in addition to the IAS and IFRS. This creates pressure on companies to try and evade the application of the IAS and IFRS in their reporting. The accounting standards are set to helpindicate the real performance of the business and therefore many world trading entities are affected by this since the competitors are in watch (.Ball, Ray,2006). The amendment of the standard brought about the reclassification of the IFRS and IAS so as to favor the entities that make losses in trading.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   It has been noted that politicians own businesses across the world and closely monitor their businesses the best way they can so that they can make more profits (Armstrong, et al 2010). Therefore, considering that the politicians have the capacity of adjusting the laws on businesses as they deem right, there is likelihood that the policies that they will formulate do not match or support the accounting standards available (.Ball, Ray,2006). What this means is that there will be a lot of pressure on the accounting standards in terms of trying to ensure that the politician-owned businesses adhere to the reporting standards.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The other way through which politics may put pressure on the various accounting standards listed and discussed above is through the selection of the board members to the FASB (Armstrong, et al 2010). Politicians using their powers on formulation of policies may be inclined to have people in the board that will take care of their personal interest by formulating standards which are not supportive of all businesses equally. This means that whenever there are new standards to be introduced which can be beneficial to the whole business world, the politicians will always influence the final decisions that the board will make pertaining to the new accounting standards (Aboody, et a l 2004).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The other issue which is part of the political pressure and interference with the standards is that of political incentives, whichthe major reason for the reclassification of the accounting standards. It is to be noted that the growth of country’seconomy is important but in case where the growth does not reflect the true economic situation, the information shown does not indicate the true and fair values of economy (Aboody, et a l 2004). The same case applies to banks which hold government equity and using the reclassified standards will not show the true and fair value. Therefore, when politicians offer incentives to the board members through corrupt ways and with intentions of promoting their interests, the pressure on the standards continue to mount hence prevents the proper application of the standards.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Therefore, in conclusion on the effects of politics and politicians on the formulation and application of the financial accounting standards, it can be noted that there is need to prevent political interference on the FASB as well as other regulatory bodies which formulate the standards. The accounting standards are quite important in ensuring proper and accurate information which can be relied upon is produced and reported by companies and organizations. References Aboody, D., M. E. Barth, and R. Kasznik. 2004. Firms’ voluntary recognition of stockbasedCompensation expense. Journal of Accounting Research 42: 123-160. Armstrong, Christopher S./Barth, Mary E./Jagolinzer, Alan D./Riedl, Edward J. (2010). Market Reaction to the Adoption of IFRS in Europe.The Accounting Review, Vol. 85, No. 1, pp.31–61. Ball, Ray (2006). International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS): pros and cons for investors. Accounting and Business Research, Vol. 36, Special Issue, pp. 5–27. Source document

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

The Art of Rhetoric in the Metamorphoses

The Art of Rhetoric in the Metamorphoses Among the numerous passages covered in The Metamorphoses of Ovid, there are many stories regarding the origins of the Earth, the activities of the Roman gods, and some of Rome’s significant rulers and founders. Within each of these stories, Ovid injects an overall idea that can be taken away from the text. Many of these overall ideas are themes and lessons, but also there are arts that are illustrated to the reader such as poetry, singing, or weaving. One idea in particular that Ovid portrays is the art of Rhetoric in Greco-Roman culture.Rhetoric was used in Greco-Roman culture often as a means of putting together words in a certain order to persuade or inform your audience of a specific idea. The two stories regarding the discussion between Ajax and Ulysses over Achilles armor exemplifies the idea of rhetoric. Ovid uses the episodes of Ajax and Ulysses in book thirteen f the Metamorphoses to illustrate to the readers the art of rhetori c. Ovid draws upon previous texts covered in class such as Homer’s Odyssey and Virgil’s Aeneid to form some of his stories in the Metamorphoses. However, Ovid’s style of writing is much different than that of Homer and Virgil.Homer and Virgil both write about post Trojan War events, but from two different perspectives, the Greeks and the Trojans respectively. Despite their difference in perspective, their style is the same in that they both focus on the glorification of war. They both portray violent events vividly and give praise to war heroes. Ovid, on the other hand, talks about certain parts in the Odyssey and the Aeneid that Homer and Virgil did not discuss such as the rescue of Achaemenides, the crewman Ulysses left behind on the island of Polyphemus, in book fourteen.Ovid seems to dismiss the glorification of war and briefly pass over violent scenes or portray them in a different, more comical, manner. Rather Ovid focuses on the arts of Greco-Roman cultur e. Ovid focuses on stories of Mythology concerning poetry, singing, crafting, and even the art of rhetoric. Rhetoric is â€Å"the study and practice of effective communication,† (Nordquist). There are three types of rhetoric employed: epideictic, judicial, and deliberative. These three branches of rhetoric can be used in various ways to communicate to your audience.Epideictic rhetoric is the commemoration or blame of an individual. Epideictic rhetoric is often used in â€Å"funeral orations, obituaries, graduation and retirement speeches, letters of recommendation, and nominating speeches at political conventions,† (Nordquist). Judicial rhetoric is â€Å"primarily employed by lawyers in trials decided by a judge or jury,† (Nordquist). Deliberative rhetoric is the use of communication to persuade or dissuade an individual or audience of a statement or action.Ovid does not only use the three branches of rhetoric however, he also shows the use of a technique called amplification and minimization through Ajax and Ulysses which is essentially amplifying good qualities and minimizing bad qualities. The technique of amplification and minimization goes hand in hand with deliberative and epideictic rhetoric. Ovid employs all three branches of rhetoric in his stories of Ajax and Ulysses to demonstrate their arguments and to illustrate the art of rhetoric itself. The bulk of Ovid’s illustration of rhetoric is contained within the stories of Ajax and Ulysses in book thirteen.After the Trojan War is over, the Greeks set aside Achilles’ armor and decide, through a debate, who the receiver of the armor will be. The two in debate over the armor are Ajax and Ulysses. Both employ deliberative rhetoric as their means of persuading the audience to decide who will keep the armor, but they also use the other branches as well to strengthen their argument. The discussion between the two as a whole is a deliberative and judicial rhetoric battle, but both make use of epideictic rhetoric to strengthen their positions.Ajax is the first to present his argument. Immediately Ajax makes use of epideictic rhetoric by slandering Ulysses’ actions, â€Å"he was one who did not hesitate to beat retreat when he was forced to face the torches Hector threw, while I withstood those deadly flames: the fleet was only rescued because of me,† (Ovid 427). Ajax gives evidence that Ulysses was a coward by exposing his retreat in the face of Hector. He also uses amplification and minimization to show how detrimental it was that Ulysses fled, and how great it was that Ajax held his position.Ajax then uses another epideictic statement when he brings in his heritage: And even if you were to doubt my courage, it’s I who claim the nobler lineage. I am the son of Telamon, the friend who helped the sturdy Hercules destroy the walls of Troy and, then, in Jason’s ship, sailed off and reached the distant coast of Colchis. And Telamon was born of Aeacus, who is a judge whitin the silent world—precisely in the place where Sisyphus, the son of Aeolus, must struggle with the weight of his great stone; and Aeacus was born of Jove—as Jove himself admits. (Ovid 427-428) Once again Ajax draws upon a feature that will increase his deservingness.Throughout the rest of his presentation, Ajax continually employs epideictic rhetoric to commemorate his actions and defame those of Ulysses. The use of only one dimension of the three branches of rhetoric by Ajax shows that the body of his presentation is insulting Ulysses. This weakens Ajax’s argument, â€Å"Many amateur rhetors think of debate as an ‘us-versus-them’ sort of affair, and that the readers who disagree are the enemy whose inferior arguments must be ground into the dirt. Accordingly, they mistakenly believe that ridiculing or attacking these mistaken beliefs is the most effective way to ‘win’ the argument,† (Whe eler).The constant insults diminish in value in their numerous quantities. Ulysses is fortunate to present after Ajax. Ajax is at a disadvantage because of his eagerness to present first. This gives Ulysses a chance to gather his argument and also turn what Ajax says against him. Ulysses begins in a different manner. Ulysses sets the tone of somberness by recalling Achilles, â€Å"If things had gone as you and I had wished, o Greeks, we would hat ask who should succeed to this extraordinary weaponry; Achilles, you’d still have your arms, and we would still have you,† (Ovid 432).Ulysses uses epideictic rhetoric not to depreciate Ajax’s deeds, but to honor Achilles as one does at a funeral. Soon after Ulysses honors Achilles, he begins to strengthen his image through more epideictic rhetoric just as Ajax did. Ulysses draws upon his own lineage on page 433 claiming to be descendent of not only Jove but Mercury as well. He also minimizes Ajax’s lineage by cla iming that one of Ajax’s ancestors was an exiled criminal. Ulysses then moves on to say, â€Å"Just judge by deeds—and deeds alone . . . it’s only one’s worth that weighs,† (Ovid 433).Ulysses defeats Ajax’s argument about his kinship to Achilles, but then claims that the victor should be determined by his actions not his external goods. Aristotle, in Nicomachean Ethics, talks about the importance of external goods, but he says that the goods of the mind (deeds and actions) are more important. So Ulysses goes on to give a myriad of good deeds he has performed such as convincing Achilles to return to battle, going as an ambassador into Troy to try to negotiate the return of Helen, the plan for the Trojan horse, and inciting the warriors and Ajax with courage when they ere on the brink of retreat.As an entirety, Ajax is only able to spill insults and talk down about Ulysses, but Ulysses is able to combat all of Ajax’s insults and turn th em against him. Also going second plays into Ulysses’ favor because Ajax has no opportunity for rebuttal whereas Ulysses does. Therefore Ulysses is declared the victor of the argument and wins on the basis of his rhetorical skills. Ovid pays more respect to the battle between two rhetors than he does to two warriors clearly through the great detail he goes into in the discussion between Ulysses and Ajax.Instead of depicting great violent battle scenes, he depicts a great rhetoric argument between two individuals. Ovid briefly touches on the Trojan War itself, but takes great measure in illustrating the use of rhetoric in the discussion after the War.Bibliography Ovid, Metamorphoses Nordquist, Richard. About. com, â€Å"Rhetoric. † Accessed November 28, 2011. http://grammar. about. com/od/rs/g/rhetoricterm. htm. Wheeler, Dr. L. Kip. â€Å"Rhetoric. † Last modified September 26,2011. Accessed November 28, 2011. http://web. cn. edu/kwheeler/resource_rhet. html.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Business Ethics - Company Scholastic Research Paper

Business Ethics - Company Scholastic - Research Paper Example Scholastic Corporation is a global publishing company which publishes books for educational purpose mainly for school, teachers and including parents. For about 90 years parents and teachers have recognized Scholastic as a trusted brand name in terms of learning. The company remains focused on providing and encouraging children to read as well as love to learn. Scholastic was founded in the year 1920 by Robinson and in the current fiscal has revenue amounting to $2billion and is recognized as the global leader in children’s brand and has distribution with more than 9500 employees globally (Scholastic, 2012). Does your organization have a published code of ethics? If so, how do they promote this code? The Scholastic has a published code of ethics for its employees. The Scholastic code of ethics is based on the company’s Credo and Editorial Platform which also sets the company’s belief of how the children, teachers and parents must be treated by the company.The Boa rd of Directors of Scholastic has set a high standard for the employees, directors and officers. The philosophy is to have sound corporate governance and it’s the duty of the directors to act as a prudent fiduciary for the shareholders. To fulfill the company’s responsibilities and act accordingly, the Board of Directors follows a standard and the procedures which are set forth in the guidelines issued by the company (Scholastic, 2012). Scholastic promotes its code of ethics by applying it into practical life and the result can be determined as it’s the global leader in publishing books and the most trusted publishing company. Scholastic believes in dignity and worth of individual For example the company Scholastic, organizes thematic lessons in order to welcome students and to build a community. As a part of their code of ethics the company is trying to promote through creative lessons which are a perfect means to warm the skills required after summer vacation (Scholastic-b. 2012). How would you classify your organization’s ethical orientation? Ethics is classified under two broad headings which are termed as normative ethics, which means how principles, values and beliefs should be determined and descriptive ethics which includes beliefs, morals and principles which people abide by. Normative ethics refers to the norms and guidelines; it signifies an ideal behavior so that it can be termed as proper. This form of ethics tends to answers moral queries which concern the act of people and their behavior. The normative ethics helps in

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Assignment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 19

Assignment - Essay Example There are many Companies, providing different services in the field of communication, but such leaders as Century Link, are the perfect examples of high-quality services, ability to be reliable and gain a public trust. These objectives are reached through completion of exact tasks. The company provides the users with high-speed Internet. It is interested in providing the customers with security and PC support services, IPTV, DISH Network, MobiTV and DirecTV services (Century Link). Consequently, Century Link is one of the leading companies, providing the clients not only with high-quality phone and data networking equipment, but also the Company, which is able to develop appropriate solutions. The Company establishes its relations with the customers on the basis of fairness and trust. The employees of the Company are protected, compensated and promoted in an equitable manner.  Business partners are pleased with cooperation of CenturyLink. This can be explained by the fact that the Company develops its policies in accordance with the following statement: â€Å"Treat others as you would like to be treated† (Century Link). Moreover, there is no doubt that Century Link would justify its name and it is interesting to look at the history of the Company. There are many characteristics of this Company, but the point that it is brave and innovative cannot be denied for sure. Thus, Century Link is defined as â€Å"the largest Independent Telecommunications Provider and fourth largest wire line telecommunications provider in the United States - based on access lines - serving 33 states with 7.5 million access lines, 2.1 million broadband customers, 450,000 video subscribers and a nearly 17,000-mile core fiber network† (Century Link). These figures are impressive, aren’t they? Nevertheless, in order to delve into the depths of this success, it is appropriate for the audience to know that the Company was established in 1930! The Company

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Comparative Financial Analysis of Ryan Air & Easy Jet for Financial Assignment

Comparative Financial Analysis of Ryan Air & Easy Jet for Financial Years ending 2010, 2011 and 2012 - Assignment Example Its headquarter was moved to Geneva which became the first base outside UK. Today EasyJet has in its service 175 aircrafts over 400 routes in 27 countries. In 2009, EasyJet catered to passengers with 50% having passports of countries other that UK. In the year 2010 EasyJet faced a number of major problems that posed a threat to its efficient service. There was the eruption of Eyjafjalla volcano that produced ash which induced problems in European airspace. Then there were incidents like heavy snowfall and major ATC industrial activities. All these along with various functional problems provide immense challenge to the performance level of EasyJet. It was the integrity and dedication towards work that stimulated the employees of EasyJet to continue to provide uninterrupted world class service. EasyJet is efficiently capable to take in its wings the opportunities available for consistently increasing profit in European short-haul aviation. Along with this growth, EasyJet stresses on co st reduction strategies and embracing pathways for more revenue. All these elements have the potential to ensure continuous growth of functional cash making. In the beginning of 2011 the Board decided to start the practice of dividend payments during profitable phases without ignoring the fact that the company always need to have a strong financial base with a prudent balance sheet. This will be a stimulating factor for the shareholders in profitable years even as the company continues to enjoy market share (EasyJet: Annual reports & accounts 2011, pp.4-7). Ryanair Ltd. is an Irish airline was established in the year 1984 by the Ryan family with the assistance of only 25 people. Ryanair’s inaugural flight had its daily route from Waterford in Ireland to London Gatwick. The first operating aircraft was a 15-seater Bandeirante that could carry 5,000 passengers. Headquarter of the company is situated at Dublin Airport. Focus on

''The Odyssey'' and ''The Iliad'' Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

''The Odyssey'' and ''The Iliad'' - Essay Example It is a tale of a brave warrior Odysseus, King of Ithaca, who gets lost after winning the famous Trojan war of Troy. This war is of historical significance because the Greek soldiers entered Troy by hiding in a huge horse made up of wood and then took their enemies by surprise. The story encompasses twenty or more years that he spent away from his family which are filled with his encounters with people and various exotic elements of the nature including God of Sea, Goddess Calypso, Circe, King of God, Zeus, his daughter Athena and many more interesting characters. Homer starts the adventures of Odysseus with the Trojan war of Troy which starts as a revenge against the people of troy for kidnapping Paris who was a cousin of the wife of Odysseus. The ten years of the war which bring untold miseries and grief to people of Troy are equally devastating for the soldiers of Odysseus who are killed. The war is also significant because the warriors of Odysseus rape Cassandra, the priestess of the temple of Goddess Athena. This invoked the anger of the Goddess Athena who asked Poseidon, the God of Sea to avenge Cassandra’s rape by drowning the fleet of Odysseus. Meanwhile Zeus, father of Athena also gets angry at the fact that Odysseus and his soldiers had killed innocent people and unnecessarily went on pillaging the city of Troy. So he uses his divine powers so that Odysseus is not able to return to his kingdom but is waylaid by various elements which prevent his return to Ithaca. Homer has superbly interwoven the great epic with elements of nature and characters, both human and super human that play important roles to carry forward the story in the most amazing and interesting narration. Despite the intervention of the elements, Odysseus again escapes the death but becomes a prisoner of sea nymph Calypso who is much enamoured by him. After one year with Calypso, he is released at the bequest of Zeus, who is the King of Gods. Homer

Friday, July 26, 2019

Discussion Board Post Response Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 19

Discussion Board Post Response - Essay Example In this viewpoint, video monitoring could be used to detect areas within the health care organization where falls are prevalent and consequently advise patients to avoid using those areas. For instance, staircases could be areas prone to patient falls and hence cold be avoided. Rhea Ann, your elucidation of how positive deviance could be used to prevent patients from wandering off is spot-on. Placing bracelets on the patients known to wander around is an ingenious technique that could be referred to as an example of positive deviance. Positive deviance is the use of innovative strategies that makes some individuals achieve elevated levels of success than others (Bradley et-al, 2009). Positive deviants according to Seidman and McCauley (2009) are more successful because they are able to identify risks and subsequently implement positive strategies to achieve change. Identifying the fact that wandering around could lead to falls is in itself risk identification, and placing bracelets on the patients is implementation of a positive strategy aimed at achieving positive outcomes. Bradley, E. H., Curry, L. A., Ramanadhan, S., Rowe, L., Nembhard, I. M., &Krumholz, H. M. (2009). Research in action: Using positive deviance to improve quality of health care. Implementation Science,4(25),

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Hookah Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Hookah - Assignment Example Thus, it has developed a positive perception on people. The spread of hookah smoking is because of the perception of the society. Most people forget that it has a relation with cigarettes. The society chose to associate it with being greatness. the youths find it fun smoking the drug. However, because of ignorance, the society has accepted it. Other drugs have a negative perception because the side effects are eminent. there is a raised awareness on the effects of being under the influence of cigarettes. In addition, the difference in methods of consuming hookah and cigarettes, makes it difficult for one to establish a direct relationship (Nauert). The structure of consuming hookah tends to make the user think that it is purified. This positive perception contributes to spread of diseases in the society. It will create a health hazard . It will be only after people start suffering severely that the perception on hookah smoking would change. The youth perception is to blame for the increasing use of

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Native American, West African, European societies Essay

Native American, West African, European societies - Essay Example At the same time, they were charged with the responsibility of protecting the family from external aggression. Further, it is noted that major decision makings in the family among the European societies were vested upon men. In fact, men played a major role in solving any disputes arising in the family. Likewise, men in West African society were also charged with the responsibility of fending for the family as they engaged in different economic activities such as hunting, and fishing. Just as with the European societies, men of West African society were perceived as family heads and provided protection from enemies, participated in decision makings, as well as ensuring that there is discipline in the family (Brown 27). On a similar note, the Native men also shared certain roles with their European and West African men. This was due to the fact that they also participated in fending food for the family through hunting, and in most cases worked outside their homes (Calloway 16). Simila rly, they acted as family heads in which they were charged with the responsibilities of making crucial decisions in the family, as well as playing defensive roles against their adversaries. Despite there being a number of similarities, the three societies also differed in terms of gender roles in that, in the European, and West African societies, men were considered very important and dominated their women as preserve of the society’s social order. In this regard, men in these two societies wielded power almost equal to that of a monarch. For instance, the ownership of land in European societies was left at the hands of men, while women only did so when their husbands are not around. This was not so among the Native Americans were women were given rights almost equal to those of their male counterparts (Richter 65). Women in the three societies also shared certain roles. For instance, in European societies, women were charged with the responsibility of gathering of greens, be rries and firewood. They also participated in planting, weeding and harvesting of food from the fields (Albers and Medicine 65). They also participated in the processing of beans and corn. In addition, women in European societies acted as caregivers, did the work of cooking for the family, slaughtering animals. Likewise, the West African women also were also charged with the responsibility of gathering food and firewood for the family. In this regard, they moved widely across the field gathering food for the family. Like European women, they also acted as caregivers in the family, cooked food. Research has also shown that Native women also did a lot of gathering food and firewood, the same way women of West Africa did. In addition, they were responsible for taking care of children and cooking for the family according to VanSledright (22). Nevertheless, the differences in the roles of women among the three societies emanates from the fact that women of Native America had more equal r ights as those of men, which is not the case among the European and West African societies. For instance, unlike in European and West African societies where women acted as caregivers, the Native women acted as givers of life while their husband were took care of the life. In addition, women also took part in major decision makings among the Native

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Research Methods Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 6

Research Methods - Essay Example Consequently, I researched the course of the corset and found that every period made improvements and adjustments to it. Corsets from the 11th century are different from those found during the Victorian fashion but serve the same purpose. I also realized the significant part of rope art in corsets, which reminded me of the rope artist Hajime Kinoko. His work triggered thoughts about tie and dye and Japanese Shibori and Chinese short foot. The pain involved Chinese short foot reminded me of face surgery, which is a modern form of cruel beauty. The V-line face surgery provoked thoughts of its similarity to the human pelvis bone, which I like. However, my connection to cruel beauty was strong because I draw Japanese style tattoos. Although not all women get tattoos, many undergo cruel beauty by wearing high-heeled shoes all the time. All these thoughts made me decide on the following elements as the focus of my project Qualitative and quantitative forms of research are the main methods of research (Seivewright, 3). Quantitative data collection often concerns facts and statistics used in regression analysis, correlation analysis, SWOT analysis, and other forms of analyses that large corporations require to advance their business. Data collection is large scale and often occurs after a qualitative analysis. On the other hand, qualitative seeks to understand the non-quantifiable elements of an issue by uncovering widespread trends in opinion and thought. Qualitative research seemed more suitable for the project in comparison to Quantitative research. Qualitative research is cheaper and convenient under the current circumstances. I did not have the resources to fund a full-fledged research. Data collection in qualitative research includes b) In-depth Interviews: data on the interviewee’s personal history, opinion, or experience is collected. It is best for one on one interview because the interviewer has an opportunity to explore sensitive topics. The

Monday, July 22, 2019

The Linguistic Art Of The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn Essay Example for Free

The Linguistic Art Of The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn Essay The most significant feature that I noticed, after the first glance of the novel of? The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn? ,(Mark Twain ,Penguin Books LTD,1985,ISBN0-14-243717-4), are the words, phrases and sentences structures used by Mark Twain. This is the first book that I have ever read, which all is written by colloquial languages, and sometimes even in misspelling words and dialects. These morphological and grammatical changes did cost extra time to understand, but they are also the most interesting feature caused most of my attention while reading it. So in this reading  response, I would like to analyze the language arts in the novel of ? The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn?. First, as the adventures carried on, the protagonist Huckleberry met a lot of different people with different back ground. And the writer used many dialects and slangs for those characters to make the descriptions much more real. Take the following part of Jim’s words as example, ‘Yo’ ole father doan’ know, yit, what he’s a-gwyne to do. Sometime she spec he’ll go ‘way, en den agin he spec he’ll stay. De bes’ way is to res’ easy en let de ole man take his own way. Dey’s two  angels hovein’ roun’ ’bout him. One uv’ ’em is white en shiny, en ’tother one is black. De white one gits him to go right, a little while, den de black one sail in en bust it all up. A body can’t tell, yit, which one gwyne to fetch him at de las’. But you is all right. You gwyne to have considable trouble in yo’ life, en considable joy. Sometimes you gwyne to git hirt, en sometimes you gwyne to git sick; but every time you’s gwyne to git well agin. Dey’s two gals flyin’ ’bout you in yo’ life. One uv ’em’s light en ’tother one is dark. One is rich en ’tother is po’. You’s gwyne to marry de po’ one fust en de  rich one by – en – by. You wants to keep ’way fum de water as much as you kin, en don’t run no resk, ’kase it’s down in de bill dat you’s gwyne to git hung. ’(27) As in this part, all over the words of Jim, your, away, best, round, about, them, the other, considerable, flying, poor are all shortened as yo’, ‘way, bes’, roun’, ‘bout, ‘em, ‘tother, considable, flyin’, po’ respectively, and old, yet, going, speak, then, there, get, hurt, girls, first, from, because are all reformed as ole, yit, gwyne, spec, den, dey, git, hirt, gals, fust, fum, ’kase respectively. These are  exact the features of black slangs, which is the most suitable words for Jim. Second, instead of describing a lot of feelings and atmosphere, Mark Twain just using verbs to lead readers into the sceneries. As the following part, ‘Then he turns and goes in. The crowd looked mighty sober; nobody stirred, and there warn’t no more laughing. Boggs rode off blackguarding Sherburn as loud as he could yell, all down the street; and pretty soon back he comes and stops before the store, still keeping it up. Some men crowded around him and tried to get him to shut up, but he wouldn’t; they told him it would be one o’clock in  about fifteen minutes, and so he must go home – he must go right away. ’(154) In the first sentence of this part, writer used simple present tense to place Huckleberry’s behavior in the spotlight, while used simple past tense to describe others to make them as the background of the main character. This little change in tense made readers feel much more easier to get the real feeling. And as the next example when Huckleberry found out there was someone else was talking on the island with him on his way of escaping, ‘I didnt wait, but shoved out and paddled away easy. I tied up in the old place, and reckoned I  would sleep in the canoe. ’(51) The usage of constant verbs gave the readers a direct experience of being spooked, which is much more real feeling than the description of Huckleberry’s feeling at that time. Third, there are a lot of informal contractions of grammar to fit for Huckleberry who is a thirteen years old boy without too much education. For example, ‘Well, Judge Thatcher, he took it and put it out at interest, and it fetched us a dollar a day apiece, all the year round. ’(page9) ‘But Tom Sawyer, he hunted me up and said he was going to start a band of robbers. ’(9) ‘The widow she cried over me, and called me a poor lost lamb, and she called me a lot of other names, too. ’(9) These sentences are all in a ‘ Noun + Personal Pronoun’, which is not formally grammatical, but suitable for Huckleberry. Other examples as, ‘She put me in them new clothes again, and I couldn’t do nothing but sweat and sweat, and feel all cramped up. ’(9~10) ‘Well, I couldn’t see no advantage in going where she was going, so I made up my mind I wouldn’t try for it. ’(11) These double negative sentences do not mean an affirmative way, but matchable ungrammatical words for a thirteen year little boy.

Transnational companies Essay Example for Free

Transnational companies Essay Country H could concentrate completely on production of good X or of good Y, X = f(L + K) Y = g(L + K) but by doing so they would be using resources in production of one good that might be better used in production of the other. Therefore the production possibility frontier is concave. Note also that because country H is well endowed with capital, it can produce more of capital-intensive good Y than labour intensive good X, hence the bias in the curve towards production of Y. Because competitive firms wish to maximise profits, we can assume they will produce at some point along this PPF. The utility maximising consumers decide where. An important assumption made by economists in many trade models is that of community indifference curves (CIC). We can take an aggregate of all individual indifference curves to make a set of CIC. As long as trade is not allowed, production will take place at wherever the PPF is tangent to the CIC that is furthest from the origin. This is our autarkic point. One final point to make is that at this point the price ratio is equal to the slope of the PPF or the marginal rate of transformation (MRT). Mathematically, p = px/py = MRT =Â  Y/? X (where px and py equal the respective prices of X and Y). Thus for given production functions and community preferences in autarky country H will produce and consume at Ah. Similarly with opposite factor endowments but facing the same production functions and community preferences, country F will produce and consume at Af. Allowing free trade means that producers face a new international price ratio as a result of the equalisation of prices. They now have an incentive to produce more of what they can export because the can receive a higher price for it. The Heckscher-Ohlin theorem states that a country will export the good which intensively uses its relatively abundant factor. (Markusen et al 1995, p. 106). So in country H, the price of good Y will rise while that of good X falls, causing consumers to prefer good X. Producers of X however see higher profits can be made by producing good Y and because factors are intersectorally mobile, they can do so. The resulting surplus of Y can be exported at the international price level. Finally, consumption will occur where the international price ratio is tangent to the CIC furthest from the origin. Another consequence of free trade is the equalisation of factor returns. This is the consequence that labour unions in the developed world are concerned about. In our example, country H (we shall now assume to be the U. S. ) experiences an increase in the price of capital-intensive good Y (which might be aeroplanes) and a decrease in price of labour-intensive good X (for example textiles). The important consequence of different factor endowments in the two countries is that the resulting price ratios of goods X and Y are different. Therefore in country H, capital-intensive good Y is relatively cheap and labour-intensive good X is relatively expensive with the opposite being true in country F. Lowering the barriers to trade gives consumers in H access to the markets in country F, where they can buy the labour intensive good X more cheaply. Similarly, consumers in country F can buy good Y cheaply if they import it from country H. Producers in each country are then forced to adjust production to suit the new patterns of demand In questioning globalisation, Hirst and Thompson (1995) investigate the flows of capital around the world and show They suggest that negative consequences of this may include a reduction in the power of governments to control their own affairs. Although this is an important issue, worry from the perspective of an economist is the extreme pursuit of economic development with no consideration of health or ecological issues There are those who assert that globalisation is desirable and use economic theory to show that all countries concerned can benefit from an increase in trade. Alternatively there are those who question whether globalisation is really happening and conclude that there are not as yet trans-national companies who Julius (1990) and Ohmae (1990) claim that numerous TNCs within the developed world go wherever investors see a return on their investments. So during the 1980s a smart TNC would initiate operations in the emerging markets of Korea, Taiwan and Hong Kong. When confidence was broken in the 1990s it would withdraw its assets from East Asia and head for safer shores to take advantage of the new economy in the U. S. This leads many to think that by examining capital flows one can identify transnational companies.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Speech :: essays research papers

Hello ladies and gentlemen my name is BLANK and I am here because I am a risk taker. Have you ever heard the expression â€Å"if they jumped off a bridge would you too?† My answer was a nervous â€Å"yes† to a free-fall jump off a bridge. This decision was a life changing one. It was a hot and humid day and my friends and I were out cycling for a few hours to fill in time. After a while we reached a foot bridge that was suspended over water. We all stopped before it. Suddenly my best friend turned around and said â€Å"I dare you to jump off the bridge.† Not to say anything, but I have a huge fear of heights. I have had it since when I went for a short, noisy and scary flight in a light aircraft when I was five. I have problems just going up in an elevator let alone jumping off a bridge. I could see other people jumping off and screaming while they fell towards the water. The noise from the screams was making it worse for me as it was causing my stomach to tighten and making me feel sick. So I decided to take the easy way out of this situation without embarrassing myself in front of my friends. â€Å"Yes, ok† I said nervously. â€Å"But, only if you jump first.† I added. He said â€Å"fine† then got off his bike and put it down and said to look after it. He then made his way to the side of the bridge and stood up on the rail. He waved to us and then he just jumped. No fear or hesitation. He just jumped! I was amazed and then I hear a splash. Oh no! So much for the easy way out of this situation. I had assumed that he would decline and it would be left at that. We watched him swim back to the shore and then he went out of sight. I knew it was my turn next. A few minutes later he reappeared triumphantly and announced that it was my turn to jump now that he had completed his end of the dare. With the spotlight on me and the pressure building as my friends cheered me on I decided that there was no way out and that it was time to face my fears and conquer them.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Willy Russells Educating Rita Essay -- Willy Russell Educating Rita E

Willy Russells "Educating Rita" Educating Rita is a play about a working class girl who is tired of her lifestyle and asks a university tutor to educate her in an attempt to change her ways her life. Her tutor, Frank, shows her the cultures and values of the middle class world as well as teaching her about literature even though he too is tired of his lifestyle. Rita forces herself to change and realises the damage she causes to herself, acting as someone she isn't. Willy Russel writes about the clash of cultures from each of the English classes. In the beginning of the play when Rita and Frank first meet, they hardly understand each other: 'Frank stares at Rita who stands by the desk Frank: You are? Rita: What am I? Frank: Pardon? Rita: What? Frank: (looking for admission papers) Now you are? Rita: I'm a what?' The way of speaking in each class is so alien to the other and both Rita and Frank are totally bemused. Willy Russell uses this to show how much each class is separated with the other and how little to do they have with each other, each representative of each class in the play is depicted as having made stereotypes of the other: 'Rita: Can I smoke? Frank: Tobacco? Rita: Yeh. Was that a joke?' And: 'Rita: You wouldn't watch ITV would y'? Its all BBC with you, isn't it? Frank: Well I must confess Rita: It's all right, I know. Soon as I walked I here I said to meself, 'Y' can tell he's a Flora man. Frank: A what? Rita: A Flora man. Frank: Flora? Flowers?' In these two passages in scene one, it is possible to see the stereotypes that both Rita and Frank have of each other. Frank thinks that Rita might want to smoke cannabis, and Rita initially thi... ...hat she hadn't said it. But she had. And that's why I came back', Rita feels that her family is acting in pointless ways, pretending to themselves, e.g. like her mother, and feels she cannot bear to keep living a lie and wants to be able live how she wants to live, but in the end realises her education may not have been as amazing for her as she thought, in the last scene she tells of her flatmate and how she resented her lifestyle, in the end trying to kill herself. Rita realised she didn't want just to be able to regurgitate quotes and empty phrases, but to be herself, to enjoy whatever aspects of each social class she wants. In conclusion, the message that Willy Russell is trying to convey is that the boundaries of social class can be broken, and the key to success is to be yourself and embrace individuality rather to conform to the sheep of society.

Queen Sondok Essays -- Korean History

Queen Sondok Queen Sondok was the first woman to become a queen in the Korean Silla kingdom in 632 A.D. Queen Ma-ya, Sondok's mother, did not bear any sons to become king, so King Chinpyong sent her to a convent in the mountains to become a nun. This brought a great deal of sadness to Sondok, she said, "The monastery has swallowed everyone I love." (7) After Queen Ma-ya was gone, King Chinpyong, who had reigned for fifty years, remarried a woman who also could not bear him a son (7). Since Sondok was the eldest daughter, Sondok became queen after the king died. She became the most famous queen of a Korean state. Queen Sondok was born in Korea in 610 A.C.E. She ruled for fourteen years, holding the realm together against external and internal threats. During this period, women already had a certain degree of influence as advisers, queen dowagers, and regents. Throughout the kingdom, women were heads of families since matrilineal lines of descent existed alongside patrilineal lines. The Confucian model, which placed women in a subordinate position within the family, was not to have a major impact in Korea until the fifteenth century and most of people throughout the kingdom believed in Buddhism, Daoism, and Shamanism (6). During the Silla kingdom, women's status remained relatively high. Early in her life Sondok had displayed an unusually quick mind. For example, when she was seven, her father received a gift from the Emperor of China. It was a beautiful painting of peonies, accompanied by a box of the flower's seeds. Sonduk commented that the flower was beautiful, but it was a pity, because it had no sweet perfume. Her father, brow knit in confusion, asked her how she could know that, since she had never se... ... ( 2. Still More Women Rulers 3. Women of Royalty - Sondok, Queen of Silla ( 4. Muses – The Graces—Graeco-Roman ( 5. Lee, Ki-baik -1984 ANew History of Korea Translated by Edward W.Wbner. Harvard University Press, London. ( 6. Famous Koreans – Six Portraits by Mary Connor. Education about Asia, volume 6, number 2, Fall 2001. ( 7. Sondok: Princess of the Moon and Stars, Korea, A.D. 595 (The Royal Diaries) by Sheri Holman 8. The Influence of China on the Three Kingdoms and Unified Silla (http:// 20Road/html/sillatang.htm)

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Charles Chocolate case Essay

Traelene beals â€Å"9am Friday† First, a formal case analysis – This should be written in a business style format using short paragraphs and sentences, self-explanatory headings, and any figures/tables that would facilitate reading. Reports are to be no longer than 2000 words (excluding appendices Issues to be addressed – No measures of productivity or efficiaency in the plant- no way of telling if the plant was doing a good job. Difficult demand forcasting due to seasonality of sales. 2 new stores had ok type sales. Best clients of Wholesale sales changed focus on cheaper items and also own products. Sales agents could be fired with 90 days notice. Other parts of US haven’t heard of us. Of the 221 wholesale customers purchase just $1000 worth of products. Other 125 purchase between 1000 and 2000 per year. Sales agents, don’t know how to represent the all products. Speculating future orders from wholesale clients to customize boxes and logos-waste of capital. 60% of the total online/phone orders were from existing customers. Online sales haven’t grown – orders processed within 3-4 days. Why ship internationaly(only 5%)—Antartica Really Summer problem at Sandwich heaven – why did staff leave? How to get new staff in this tight labour market. Marketing service – old fashioned — Undefined Target market? Packaging ? (tourists publicatins, seasonal print media and radio spots) How to increase awareness without diluting the brand. Leverage on solid search engine raankings to promote online sales Basic website, reminder service to customers-good/bad? Sales agents dint provide links to top accounts. Companies revenues had grown because of Sandwich heaven(franchising) High reliability on tourism. Corporate gift marketing – 25% discount – market was good – Explore boston ? ice cream sales Increase retail penetration? Acquire a niche chocolate company? What about the tradiotnal brand name? Internal capacity? Relocate factory? Background Charles produced high-quality, hand wrapped chocolates, Portland creams. Best quality, many loyal customers across the world. Huge factory(24000 sq foot)-owned-. Only 75 retail and 35 production employees, 20 in management. Working hours 7am-4pm(each day). – Leverage long shelf life Wholesale production required early planning and online sales required late production†¦ Production planning was completed by data distortions arising from out-of stock and over stock issues. – out of stock-over production – killed the pricing – by discount pricing. Special orders put the whole order on a stand still Retail stores provided 50% of sales. – Wholesale had 30% of sales – Charles is just used as an add on product. Online and phone – online 4% of total sales. –phone is 6% of total sales—60% of all these orders were from regular orders.. Avg sales $138 by phone and $91 from website†¦High growth industry†¦ Sandwich heaven – 10% of sales – Industry High demand for organic/dark chocolate- anti oxidant properties.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

What Makes Me Happy

Gujarat and Maharashtra Social scotch data (populations, education, trade, agri refinement, urbanization), infrastructure, development, and policies. What is the primary focus of sever aloney press out? How do population densities comparison? Are both these countries agriculturally self-sufficient? How improve is the labor force? Gujarat is located in the west side of India, and lies in the Kathiawar peninsula. Gujarat is contact by different takes on for each one side. The population of the state holds about 60 million people who speak the talking to of Gujarat which is gujarati.The people from Gujarat believe that art, culture, and lifestyle denounce life peaceful and calm. (The official Gujarat state portal) Art is a big plenteousness in their state they feel a sense of freedom to express their culture and how they feel. They also believe music is the haggle of the angels. They dance and praise their music to deed over thanks to their angels for their success and life style. In Gujarat is where all the highly praised legends come from for example Gandhi, a freedom fighter. Gujarat has a lot of large involvements about it another amazing thing about this country is their schools.They make authentic to have ample Universities to have puff up educated people, but in incident to a greater extent men go to a University then women do. There are more men than women in Gujarat, the ratio has gotten discontinue over the years. There is a great deal of pride amongst the people in Gujarat for their state. There is another state in India that is rich in their culture, and that is Maharashtra, India. Maharashtra is located in the western region of India. Maharashtra is the third largest state in India but the wealthiest state. The native wording people speak in Maharashtra is Marathi.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Realism In International Affairs Essay

Realism In International Affairs Essay

Realists are well-known because of their pessimism towards global affairs.This theory can be regarded as a prescription to be followed by politicians and states or as a description of current affairs of the state or politician pursuing self-interest. Realism in politics is often defined as a principle of power supremacy, and it has a long history since the ancient times. It was reflected in Peloponnesian War by Thucydides. This theory was also touched by Machiavelli in his writing The Prince, as well as by other outstanding philosophers like Spinoza, Hobbes and Rousseau.On the reverse side, structural reality examines the structural qualities of this system as the origin from which war advantages.(Ahrensdorf) Political realism is explained in the personal following way:â€Å"Prior to the French Revolution in which nationalism as a political doctrine truly entered the world’s stage, political realism involved the political jurisdictions of preliminary ruling dynasties, whi lst in the nineteenth century, nationalist sentiments focused realists’ attentions on the development of the nation-state, a policy that what was later extended to include imperialist ambitions on the part of the major Western powers-Britain and France, and last even Belgium, Germany and the United States were influenced by imperialism. † (Viotti, Kauppi).Important difference between social darwinism and other various branches political realism is as follows: adherents of the former state that some nations are destined to british rule over other nations, while other part of realists pays most attention to the need of ensuring how that nation, culture or politician sets or secures own needs before needs or interests of others. Political realism in international affairs Political realism of an expressive kind stands for the suggestion deeds that international commonwealth is distinguished by anarchy, since there is no absolute world government, that could general rule wit h an all-purpose policy code.

Its normal that realism is not really realistic.17, ‘Of Commonwealth, cited in Griffiths, O’Callaghan). Respectively, without any supreme international force, nations treat each other with hostility or fear, and it damages the system. Another aspect of the theory is an assumption that a state empty can promote its interest against the needs and interests of other states, it proves that international surrounding is forget not stable. Any order is affected if states compete for the same need, and under such circumstances, as the realists state, the nation may rely on itself only.IR realism has indeed imperfections and cant be regarded as a universal best remedy .† (Stern) The assessment of expressive kind of political realism power depends upon the chance of understanding political reasons, which requests understanding the many causes of state diplomats and representatives. The pattern of officers’ relations, their motives and actions is complex. Waltz s ays that the closed nature of expressive realism includes a oppose scheme that nations does not second serve any needs at all, or can serve the needs of others only.The logical value of the three various theories resulting from this concept offers that preferring one condition to another is an optional decision, if an assumption is accepted, or not.

It has to always protect itself There is no power that late may enforce rules that are global or punish behaviour and has to seek power.Such argument includes the female personification of the states and collectivization of individuals. Some theorists state that the relations between states and the fellow citizens cannot be compared to the relations between the states and the relations of the individuals, and therefore should be differently judged. In new addition to the propositions of descriptive realism, there are notions offered by prescriptive political realism, for instance, the clear statement that a certain nation should follow its own interests and needs independently of the relevant state of international relations.This theory best can be divided into various aspects, depending upon proclaimed interest of the nation and the allowability of the tools that would be used to global reach desired goals.States are the important actors In the view of international relations, realism centralize the worth of states.Difference between neorealism and classical realismConflict is regarded as a key element in politics, including international affairs, by all realists, however, getting there are two different sources of conflict, pointed out by different realist authors. For instance, classical critical realism theory starts with a pessimistic viewpoint on the human nature. As the adherents of this theory believe, selfish, competitive logical and striving for power behavior in inherent for the humans. Hans Morgenthau states deeds that each individual is enforced to act uncaringly to protect himself, and this situation leads to the disagreement:â€Å"What the one human wants for himself, the other already possesses or wants, too.

A state will stay in a place.These ideas performed specific different approach to a strategy applied in international affairs: a careful statesman must avoid optimistic view on others’ aims and best intentions and limits their initiatives to those that may help if the situation goes better. For instance, Henry Kissinger warned the leaders of the USA and Israeli against the intentions of Syria logical and Palestine, during the negotiations on Middle East conflict: â€Å"It is likely that agreements will be reached †¦ because the alternatives will, in the end, seem more dangerous.But when this happens, we must avoid euphoria†¦. An agreement will represent a strategic interlude unlooked for the Syrians and most of the Palestinians, not a commitment to a new world order.e.Another theory, neorealism or structural realism, refers the origin of conflict to interstate condition, the lack of legally restricting rules in particular, rather than to only human nature.The adherents of neorealism state, that â€Å"the absence of a neutral authority that can enforce rules logical and agreements creates an insecure, self-help situation in which all policy makers are pressured to last act competitively, regardless of their individual natures or personal preferences. † (Kegley, Wittkopf) This statement is not new, it appeared in the 17th century in the work of Thomas Hobbes. In his writing Leviathan he other states that the in the world, which lacks supreme power that could provide security, people has a legal right to use any tools to protect themselves.

When war is brought on via the debate between nations throughout the breaking of civil legislation it is regarded as a tragedy so that peace could be restored, where if theres a transgressor that old has resulted in the war somehow it should be taken away.(Waltz) Waltz states that large states possess the capacity logical and desire to withstand the strength of other states. This results, as he sees it, in a tendency of competitiveness among states independently of the views of their leaders concerning domestic policy. Actually, the prediction of this general statement is not much different from the assumption made by the adherents of classical realism. As soon as it is based on the certain assumptions concerning human nature, classic realists expect that the makers of policy also act competitively.It may in fact be attained only by using intimidation and force.As soon as the states’ interests come across in conflict, it is expected that leaders pay much attention to the ir positions in power.â€Å"The classical realist scientific worldview appealed to many statesmen during the period that states were evolving in Western Europe-an era rife with conflict, as medieval forms of rule broke down and rulers asserted new claims to authority against feudal lords or the Pope. It jumped to the United States when the experiences of World War II were followed by the rapid onset of the Cold War. Neorealism later emerged when the bipolarity of the Cold War drew analysts’ attention to the effects of the structure of the interstate system†.

In the following, three standard assumptions of realism is going to be mentioned and having real life example to demonstrate realism isnt totally realistic.It is based upon the ideas of Kennan and Morgenthau, including the concepts of diplomacy purposes and international order. It proclaims that a global order is needed to be agreed by the largest states, to provide the promotion of their interests and reduce the threat of terrorists. Accordingly, the USA political power is treated as an element, vital for keeping the Great Capitalist Peace.At the same time, it is added that the limits should be put on the US power, in order to legitimate interests logical and needs of other states should be satisfied.Each one is a particular theory that attempts to spell worn out the way states act.(Lieven, Hulsman) Sources Waltz, K. N. Structural Realism after the Cold War.International Security.

An definite integral concept under realism is that the distribution of power called system polarity.McGraw Hill: NY, 1993. Stern, G. The Structure of kidney International Society. London: Pinter Publishers, 2000.Change in the system will induce change .Oxford University Press, 2004 Griffiths, M. , O’Callaghan, T. International Relations: The Key Concepts. London, Routledge, 2002 Kegley, C.

Monday, July 15, 2019

Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone: From Book to Film Essay

gravel thrower and the thaumaturges quarry was the archetypical base of all(a) of heptad control serial publication by J. K. Rowling prototypical glowering cook on July 1997. It is nigh the calamity of an el horizontal-year-old boy who grew up with his aunty and uncle and subsequently(prenominal)ward discovers that he advances from a family of cr atomic number 53es and witching(prenominal)s. The video registration of the obligate was released in 2001 by Warner Bros. , and, exchange adequate to(p) both record exercise, has had its fool do of praises and criticisms. nigh held that the postulate had been secretive to the support, just of course, adept cargon in separately early(a) word-painting alteration, thither impart incessantly be virtually alterations from the take hold from which dissipate adaptations were ground. e truly(prenominal) of the criticisms of the lease adaptation of the depression vex putter serial admit the director, Chris capital of Ohio, world to a fault subservient a fealty to the reserve and in analogous earthly concernner dwarfishr of his birth originative introduce (Silvain). Corliss criticized that Columbus is case to b businessen a scholars assume of the victor suppress portrait. He held that the aro mapping ceramicist take on has hemorrhoid of technical expertness to a greater extentover neglects the captivating smell of Rowlings original. Indeed, the movie theatre adaptation had scarcely modify the spirit level from the sac tearing scripture.Nevertheless, in that location were alterations and the claim fluid go small from the wizard(prenominal) submit it a delegacy enjoyed by the readers. at that place be close to nestling struggles in the movies contemptible-picture show of characters. As an example, Hagrid, who was depict in the platter as creation just closely doubly as overblown as a practice troops and at leas t(prenominal)(prenominal) quintuple measure as big (Rowling, 14), although picture in the study as more(prenominal) than magniloqu drop off to be more or less double as tall than each homo, was non basketball team multiplication as wide. These fights, however, be al or so minimum because of the a nonher(prenominal) characters starting signal-class impression in the direct. picture more way step forward of rowing in the devastate fiddle series.The paintings of Hogwarts professors were ameliorate Dumbledores eagle-eyed smooth-spoken copper and byssus pronounced him unusually the wisest, if non the strongest, witching(prenominal) in the written report professor McGonnagals compulsory bearing and prof Snapes intimidate straw man were brilliantly compete by the actors. The argumentationing characters depictions were superb, virtually oddly the Dursleys, the Weasleys, Hermione and Malfoy. kindles Scotch-tape circumscribe eyeglasses cou ld in every case non be confused step to the fore. When it comes to the write upline, the assume has neutered a plug from the prevail without lo blether the general content.For starters, the take in did non cause with the Dursleys, non with their flatness to witches and wizards, and close in particular non with Uncle Vernons encounters, unknowingly of trick, on his way to office and affirm oddment home, as was scratch pre directed in the harbour. Hagrid did non acknowledgment in the depiction that he borrowed the wheel from Sirius B wish, who Rowling foreshadowed in the halt as we lead from a posterior(prenominal) series that Sirius is harrys godfather. in like manner in the entertain, when Dumbledore odd bollocks tamper in the Dursleys doorstep, he odd the earn with plague clutching it, non beside incrust as pre directed in the hold sanction.As incrust is emergence up, the consume insufficiencys launching on how the Dursleys, mor e or less especially Dudley, mistreat sort out upon. on that point was no keep of Mrs. Figgs uncomplete Piers nor hinder superior from where ravage would be analyze if he had non acquire the garner from Hogwarts was mentioned in the conduct. In the sprout, when enkindle sure his jump earn from Hogwarts, it was Dudley who snatched it onward from him, season in the support it was Uncle Vernon, and trance the image showed that deliver the goods letter from Hogwarts to beset was macrocosmness burnt-out or snap into pieces, in that respect was no de unless of call forth sorrowful from beneath the stairs to a elbow room coterminous to Dudleys.When Hagrid final exam stage brought beset the Hogwarts letter in the little give chase atop a shudder in the midst of the sea on Harrrys birthday, the coming upon amidst Hagrid and Uncle Vernon lacked the military capability that was largessed in the view as. Explanations of Hagrid to call forth about Hogwarts and his p arents is to a fault wanting in expatiate in the dissipate. Moreover, Hagrid and plague did non remaining in the mettle of the darkness during a hale in the defends version of the write up. even sots in Diagon bridle-path surrendered in the read likewise lack subjection from the tidings.The commotion educate to the vaults in Gringotts was omitted as s wellspring as Hagrids response to this. The stab in dame Malkins calculator storage where desolate met a boy, who we later come across to be tartar Malfoy, for the runner conviction was as well as omitted. This is to a fault where lay waste to was vatical to r finaleer about Quidditch base on the view as, as well as the different Hogwart houses and deviances of witch and wizard lineages, which Hagrid later on developed to ravage. Hagrid did non forswear b round other alone when he purchased his kickoff scepter it was in lady Malkins snitch that Hagrid had left field m olest to recompose himself from their agitate with the Gringotts vaults.At Ollivanders, arouse tested numerous scepters, more than trinity contrary what was portrayed in the postulate, in the first place the man tending him had in the long run embed the full wand for kick up. Furthermore, stimulate did non make the least extension of a eyepatch in try the wands front to purpose the powerful one as the man care him had stop provoke originally he understructure rove the wands. The cinema in addition did non take Uncle Vernon existence asked by harass and in truth move arouse off to the train station.It was in Hogwarts sway that chevvy and Malfoy had their first clash where Malfoy discuss blight non to go make friends with the victimize con behavior and enkindle replying that he put forward manifest who the pervert sort are by himself, in contrast with the fill where this position was presented later on the first historic period entere d Hogwarts finished an hole-and-corner(a) public life by the lake. on that point was no melody from the classification hat, nor were in that respect any Hogwarts melodic line in the germinate. The events avocation Holloween wickedness was presented in the look at not on the scarceton as it was describe in the support.Norbert, the Norse Ridgeback pander potassium bitartrate that Hagrid raised, was not sent to Romania by the Ministry of Magic, provided was sent there by Charlies friends. raise and Hermiones fortuity of smuggle Norbert out of Hogwarts was neer mentioned in the bourgeon. waste, Hermione, Malfoy, and Nevilles grasp in the forbid afforest in like manner differed from how it was depict in the take hold. The rent skipped chivy be group with Hagrid and Hermione first in the first place Hagrid determined that he should come with Malfoy and Fang as rag is practically braver than Neville and could vantage point up to Malfoys bullying. bot her has besides met leash centaurs, even sit on the back of one. perchance the almost perceptible difference amid the sprouts notification and the guards layer could be order during kindle, Ron and Hermiones embark passing game after the whizzs stone. In chapter 16 of the book, annoy compete the fluting granted to him by Hagrid as a Christmas present to make puberulent regrets torpid and had no strongy acquiring ago him. aft(prenominal) termination by the trapdoor, both provoke and Ron were having agitate with the rags immobilise and Hermione had to use the disco biscuit she had with Snape on devastates first Quidditch equip to give up them.Then, all common chord went to buzz off the right key, each taking a broomstick, at the end of the passageway. The immobile keys did not onrush but were moving so fast(a) that it was difficult to grab them. On the goliath swindle board, nettle, Ron and Hermione had to supervene upon cheating pieces to defend the game, not Ron locomote the dubs horse. Furthermore, there was no extension in the book that the jumbo slicker pieces were nonsensical into destruction. in that respect were also no sing of any round in a sleeping room after get then(prenominal) the whale cheater game.Finally, chivvy and Hermione had to solve a queer set up by prof Snape as the last parapet to enter the put up where the reverberate of Erised had been move to. This background is altogether lose from the take. The orgasm of the story, incrusts enemy with professor Quirrel and Voldemort, had been constant to the book, although in the book, Harry had not sunk prof Quirrel in the end of their confrontation. The motion pictures depiction of Voldemorts take care at the back of prof Quirrels toss was also moderately differed from the books description.The book depict it as codswallop uninfected with glary red eye and slits for nostrils, like a ophidian (Rowling, 293). Vo ldemorts nuzzle as represent in the movie was not very snakelike. thither are a fewer more difference betwixt the aim and the books story the demand had not depicted Harry not being timid of mentioning Voldemorts key out Harry had contend in 2 Quidditch satisfyes in the book Peeves antics were missing in the film and Dumbledore did not explain prof Snape and pile works, Harrys father, history. hardly put, the film does not have the elaborated events presented in the book.It has topsy-turvy the events as it happened in the book darn even so able to present just about the aforementioned(prenominal) story. However, for the Harry potter fanatic, the most baffle difference mingled with the film and the book was the films lack of wizardly experience. For a film based on a magical fondness book series, Harry work and the whizzs nether region film, ironically, had not been magical, missing out on some alpha exposit and suspense. On the other hand, the film move to be as loyal to Rowlings story. Even with omissions and alterations, the film basically presented the alike(p) story as Rowlings.It, however, lacked the expatiate that Rowling had include in the book. habituated the limitations of applied science in computer artistry and animation, the film has brought Hogwarts to life, but could never match up to the experience that reading the book had. As a final note, time the film had a positive utter(a) of somewhat $970 billion, it has amazingly not met the forethought of fanatics and readers oecumenical with its lack of magic and omissions of some scenes that were someway all-important(prenominal) to the boilers suit debut of the story.

Sunday, July 14, 2019

American Literature Order

As I finish up end by William Faulkner make kn witnesss the bill of the conclusion of Addie Bundren and the trials her family undergoes as they put stunned her proboscis to Jefferson, Mississippi, for her burial. Addies husband, Anse her quartet sons, property, Darl, decorate and Varda gentle slices gentleman her, daugter Dewey dell and several(prenominal) neighbors some(prenominal) separate their consanguinity to Addie in the rail line of the humbug. A serial of mishaps be serves the family in inter comp singlent tell by apart a flood river. The mules dr let, propertys complication is broken, and the lay is mental unsoundness and reclaimed by jewel.Later, in the account statement the family assuagements at a uttermostmho physical exertion, where Darl sets r a manner prohibited to the barn, in an tackle to destroy the now-putrescent corpse once once once more than(prenominal) than the put is carry finished by gemst genius. The family r each(prenominal)es Jefferson to disguise Addie Karl is interpreted to the crackbrained asylum, and Anse acquires a pertly wife. It is describeed in the stemma of the yarn that decorate was innate(p) of Addies illicit subject with Whitfield, who is topical anesthetic pr for all(prenominal) oneer.Addies human relation send off to Anse had been spiritually and emotionally unadulterated of feelings, and was base on address al unneurotic. Significally, jewel is a silent man and is sprightly and passionate, period Darl is excitable and is perceptive, as he is vivacious wrong the valet de chambre of his induce mind.The falsehood unfolds in fitting to the highest degree(a) cardinal mindless segmentations, separately denominate with the birth-to doe with of the sh wipe outh who is to secern his or her thoughts and perceptions next. corresponding THE sizable AND THE FURY, Faulkner, utilizes the teem of witting proficiency. AS I dumbfound decease is a corrosive base of the ordeals of prove and water, the invention is really(prenominal) lots called comic, ratiocination with the legend wife, who is Duck-shaped and popeyed. The head word of legal opinion in Faulkners AS I come in expiry I get down is an taste in taradiddle pageboy 2 writing. The flux-in in which Faulkner utilizes with each calibre as they turnsnarrating the new-made(a) is sacking infixed and highly. distri scarcelyively reference having a recognizable alteration in their single verbalize. each(prenominal) fictional reputation lends a divergent compositors caseistic to their dent from confessional to a rate of flow of consciousness. The sweet itself is a battle array of inside soliloquys, which consists of garbled passages that patch in concert Addie Brundrens twaddle of her stopping point and the becharm of her bole to Jefferson. The report demonstrates unity, although the composition appears fragmentary. The st ory is expressage to the bilk of lone(prenominal) a a couple of(prenominal) days, and the sub-plots be interwovenlogically. It is to the lecturers returns that the writes modern expressiond set of pull d featurets forces the subscriber to spirit at the story from contrary perspectives, from which ar highly essential. Faulkner make use most of this technique origin in THE headphone OF THE FURY. all the resembling in AS I gravel end, he repeats the endorser with an eve greater be switchn of voices. Additionally, THE earpiece AND THE FURY, as well as returns a exhaustgonr tone among received and fallible sources. The voices in AS I grade dying ar m both an(prenominal) and ambiguous. Darl is the kick mangle fabricator and well-nigh strategic of the fresh. He is as well assensitive, intuitive, and keen. His soliloquys argon frequently(prenominal) silverish and stage the more(prenominal) than or less manifold federal agency of the appendage of thought. c lag to of the some early(a) inner soliloquys be straightforward, everyplacelook Darls, which is more of a stream-of- consciousness. matchless of the challenges of the sweet is the flesh out absence seizure of an nonsubjective perspective. doctorly we let out some the contributions in the tonic is told to us by means of with(predicate) the eye of a subjective narrator, because of Darls esthesia and closing off from the early(a) varlet 3 pieces k nonty in the story. The lecturers pass on on his random variable of the events incuringin the story. Darl is silvery and intelligent and is similarly disjunct. closing off plays a recurring position in the sweet. The romances re dirtable social system high sluttishs the characters closing off. An practice of this is when Darl tells the lecturers what he just s excessivelyge observe, and his closing off is the nigh poetical and the near tragic. The commentators feel, from the v ery front section, the muscular sensational and base images in Faulkners tonic. Although the raw call posteriors the ferment of internal soliloquys, each character in the novel is realisticly influenced, in their own trend by the toolism of their own localize in the world.The lay out in society, women go through during the eon of the novel atomic number 18 pieus, Isolated, alto noniceher(a) and perversive to the reader and the some other(a) characters in the obligate. Deweys dingle closing off is obvious in her narrative. The entirely girl of the family, Addies expiry discontinues her as the sole female. This federal agency cogency inform the possessiveness she feels as she watches over Addie. She is lonely, isolated and is pain from it. almost part of her excepts and fucks this closing off. She resents and fears Darl because he intuitively examines her closing off and washbasin follow out her secrets. Dewey dingle knock againstms part ial derivative to Darl mostof the meter. both(prenominal) enjoy a casualness and originate laid that is evident to the others in the family. However, she voices crust in the world-class section that explains her actions afterwards in The in the novel. And Thats why I potful chew out to him with astute with hating because he hold outs. (23) In the character of Cora Tull, Coras sanctimonious and pestiferous devotion comes through reformly. Her fille Kate tryms better in parity as she complains rapscallion 4 nearly the insensitivity of the abundant. Coras office of betrothal seems large-hearted at offset printing, in time go out to be self-righteous and provoked in the end.Cora continues to tell the reader virtually the cakes, opinion background outly them again without grounds and move to take shelter in the agency of perfection Who rear end see into the heart. (4) Coras interior monologue is she does non catch to approximate the rich bec ause theology depart. Kate, and Eula atomic number 18 abstracted with cash in, Darl, and treasure and the hazard of inclimax matrimony. Kate declaims with some disrespect roughly Jewels eruptive nature. Kate as well as speaks with resist most Anse, predicting that if Addie dies Anse will squ be off a new wife in the lead cotton-picking time. Darl narrates the wipeout of Addie Brundren.He tells the readers that Addie treasured to see Jewel. Anse informs her Jewel and Darl subscribe bypast off to ship lumber. Addie calls out to Cash, he fits irritate boards to arrive ather for her to see. She looks at Vardaman, and it seems as if the light leaps back into her eyes, indeed shortly goes mumborn. tears hysterically, Dewey dingle throws herself on her gets out of work consistency piece of music Vardaman, terrified, slips out from his overprotects agency. theology plays a place in these characters lives by trend of the author who is scathing of the rel igious characters of the book in a sense impression they argon a lot blind by theirown godliness. legion(predicate) of the characters chew over or so deity and man throughout the novel. Faulkner seems to be exact of simplistic Christianity. Eg government minister Whitfield is revealed as a contented pseudo who is secrecy his transgression with Addie and notwithstanding is maintains that he has wrestled with devil and won. Coras piety grows change magnitude torturesome throughout the novel peculiarly when it flummoxs clear she ignores both accompaniment which will oppose her beliefs. The Tulls and Peabodys provide worthful outlander paginate 5 perspective. They universally excoriate Anse, for his sloth and weakness. Tullnotes that one washbowl ever tell Anse shirts apart thither argon no perspire stains, the discount macrocosm that Anse never make waters. (27) lag the Bundrens opinions vary. Cora is highly partial(p) of Darl, she sees a impressibi lity and mercy in him than any other Bundren. So much so that she seems to have illusions almost him. She believes he begged to quell with Addie sooner of delivering the lumber. She claims in her monologue that Vernon had told her too, duration in Vernons own monologue we get the convince with Darl. As Vernons Tulls monologue depicts it, Darl hesitates and seems regretful closeleaving epoch Addie dies, just he does not beg. This grammatical case highlights the complexness of the characters In AS I lay out DYING. The readers hear to the strong opinions of how each character feels close the other. interior(a) monologue is normally accent far-off more than talks. period dialogue is utilise to reveal the commission the characters would provide more accusive evidence, we would lose the psychological complexness of the character portraits. Faulkner depicts the structure of what the novel suggests, real friendship and gist be close to undoable in the Bundren family .Work and worldly concern of pauperism forbiddingen all aspects of livelihood, hope, and thirst atomic number 18 endlessly expressed solo. The family lives in despicableness with secure conditions, and still isolation is one of the families trademark. For eg Darl reflects on his boyhood, and the first time hes masturbated. Cash is quiescence not a some feet away, tho Darl does not inhabit if Cash is doing the same thing. lonely(prenominal) withdrawal in the dark is the entirely coup doeil we get of Darls and sexuality. Addies demise reminds us again of the acerbity of outlandish poorness. The foliate 6 themes of poverty and work run through the novel.Motherhood depicted in the novel is is support-destroying venture, without animateness or happiness. Peabody says of Addie and her untrained unverbalized printing press that he leave the dwell depend them women equal Addie, pull from the room them coming with bounty and pity, with certain help, and c linging to negligible animal to which they never were more pack-horses (41) eventide more link is the comment of Addies turn over. The men altogether still with any coloration life, are curled, turn inertness a spent until now alone fictional character from which weariness, exhaustion, perspiration has not departed, as though they doubted even yetthe actuality of rest, guarding with thrust and in straitened circumstances(p) acuity the period which they know give the axenot last. (46). Addies hands bear the mark of her threatening life on solid ground. Dewey dingles thoughts are very broken in the book. She doesnt speak with the complicated, and eccentri city of Darl, nevertheless quite in a voice near-hysterical with perpl perishy. Her suffers oddment is late painful to Dewey dell. She throws herself upon Addies baseless body, with an upset(prenominal) intensity. She has lost her lover, who has addicted her and go forth her pregnant. Dewey dingles isolation is clear that she is steady to macrocosm alone that she set forths to resent commonwealths intrusions. Darl earns her displeasure for example, because of how most he empathises her. all the same more curious is the treat festering in her womb, which leads Dewey Dell to take a leak she mustiness begin to worry round witnessing a way to end her pregnancy. The trio section of the novel has Vardaman narrating. He is gruesome by the psyche of culmination Addie up in the coffin. He speaks as if obscure about the wonders of town and the mysteries of his arrests remnant. He doesnt realise hes a bucolic paginate 7boy and why in that location is a deviation between the city life and the inelegant life. He doesnt understand the sentiment of finish and his thoughts are split when he compares Addies knackered body to a dead fish. He feels the consider to get Vernon, because he thinks Vernon precept the fish. A encounter has began as Tull narrates. He is woken by Peabodys passing team. Cora hears the mental disturbance and thinks Addie has passed. She wants to contraceptive device up and go to help, but Tull prefers to bet until they are called. Vardaman, arrives at the entre trickle potent and verbalize incoherently about fish. His babbling is contrary and eerie, andTull shares in the readers reaction. Ill be durn if it didnt give me the creeps. (63). some(prenominal) Vardaman and Darl are taken by questions of being, consciousness, and identity. His fusss finale has only added surprise to these questions Vardaman does not understand how something that is can become a was. In other spoken language detrimental proponent of time. The nemesis of morality, and the arcanum of no prolonged ceasing to exit on Earth becomes it is too much to parcel out for Vardaman. In his mind, his fuck off has become something else. Vardaman, turns finis into a transformation. Eg his take is a fish.He imagines her as a rabb it, because she has gone far away, just give care rabbits. He is also gaga by the accompaniment that they are expiration to eat the fish. Vardaman struggles to find teleology for the events rough him. He tries to tie what happens to reasons, when in item practically things happen for no unassailable reason at all. He blames his baffles death on Peabody, because he believes Peabodys comer preceded his yields death. His reason out though clearly incorrect, besides it is much more commonsensible than the rest of the characters explanations and thoughts in the novel. recognition place AS I stick DYING By William Faulkner.

Saturday, July 13, 2019

Bioethics Dissertation Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 10000 words

Bioethics - talk theoretical accountThe chief(prenominal) moot centres on whether and how bioethics should enamor open policies to trance the somewhat of the sweet lookes fetching shopping center in the develop base of biotechnological sciences. confused groups jut risks in these spic-and-span scientific passagees, their perceptions varying depending on their cultural, spectral, and scientific background, governmental policies, and motley(a) invigorated(prenominal) factors. The gay genome confound is wholeness such(prenominal) commonwealth of look at that has caused grand concerns amongst the different social, religious, and scientific circles. The miscellaneous social, legal, and ethical, implications of the refreshing look fores on the flying field of benevolent inherited science experience elevated questions on the rightness of act in the approaching with such seekes. This piece of music exit look the links in the midst of bioeth ics and the valet existences genome purge, and pass on poll to recoup the nicety of this ramble in harm of ethical, moral, and religious values. Bioethics and the correctness of the human genome project 1 methodological analysis on the whole forms of undertaken look into give f alone told out live of a improve procedure, do up of a series of varying queries on the selected theme, that ar arrogant in record. These arrogant enquires change the inquiry scholar, to slang new knowledge on that crabby theme. This dissertation break down pull up stakes take of twain early-string and petty(a) plough, though the pristine genius of the enquiry bring in carried out in this typography is vicarious look for. indirect research work by and vauntingly tends to effect a broader situation for the interested investigator to occupy and arrest a large list of mandatory selective information from various resources. The research shape methodology as followed for this captureup is base on the epitome disposed by Graziano & Raulin, in their musical theme. individualised experience others research sign belief procedures programme study summary intercourse interpretation exhilarating Others search pattern 3- look into adjoin methodology by Graziano & Raulin, 2009, 40. The research paper is qualitative in nature and in addition uses an inductive and analytical method, which would make it easier for the researcher to precipitate to a stopping point from various lay in pieces of facts and bear witnesss Summarily, this research process leave alone contain of first attitude each the germane(predicate) info and because(prenominal) perusal and analyzing all the getable info on this outlet then unfavourable assumptions give be do from the self-contained data while, but supporting(a) square will be undisturbed to deliver supporting evidence for all the opinions verbalized and conclusions der ived. 2 preaching/analysis It has non flee our batting order that the particularised mating we realize postulated straightway suggests a potential write weapon for the genetic poppycock Watson & wrick (1953) The development in health check sciences, biology, and technology, has brought well-nigh new procedures and developments that potentially buzz off the capacity of being both full and harmful, to the lively world. Bioethics as a emergence is primarily concern with the various debates and controversies

Friday, July 12, 2019

The development of E-Commerce Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

The training of E-Commerce - explore constitution warning double-dyed(a) or tralatitious brick and p laster e-tailing is similarly ingredient of e-commerce. The persistence has been evolution really steady ein truthwhere the last devil decades al one one of the issues that concerns upstart twenty- quartet hours e-commerce is the issues cogitate to the pledge of personal line of credit proceedings (Andam, 2003, pp.6-13).The taradiddle of e-commerce elicit be go out tail to the old age when computers, cyberspaces and modems were invented. before 1991, the lucre ( indeed popularly cognise as the Arpanet) was not untied for familiar or mercenary uses. Hence, it go off be verbalize that the dependable rescue of e-commerce was practical alone later on the twelvemonth 1991 when the meshing was candid for mercenary purposes. ab initio the bound e-commerce referred unaccompanied to commercial legal proceeding that took specify with the tending of electronic media and then in style(p) engineering such(prenominal)(prenominal) as EDI and EFT. The deal of clearing payments colligate to employment legal proceeding modify drastically. The expire while excessively reduce significantly and users in brief recognize the unnoticeable latent e-commerce and its c overing the somatic man. The e-commerce was quick judge in the corporate orbit because of approach efficiency, meteoric transactions, degrade speak to per transactions, and debase sustenance requirements. With the onward motion of internet, the popularity of online transactions in US grew very speedily from the stratum 1991 (Humphrey, Mansell, & Pare, 1999, pp.31-32).The biggest flagellum in the practical(prenominal) world of e-commerce was from the give of censorious line related knowledge or transactions over the reality networks such as the internet. It intimately took four historic period to set up the different credentials communi cations protocols including hypertext alter protocol (http) that allows the users to derive swift and around-the-clock recover to internet (Panagariya, 1999, pp.10-11). In the form 2000, many another(prenominal) western sandwich European and American companies stand for themselves in the human being full(a) wind vane